Josh Oelrich
My Professional Story
I am an unusual breed, as I have experience in many varied roles that make me a well-rounded and unique asset within the industry. My professional career began in technical support and within a ten-year span, I was at the escalation engineer level within the world of SAN and WAN. Then, I transitioned into a Lab Manager role and upgraded a 75-rack Solutions Lab to a showcase level. After that I moved into Technical Marketing and began performing more demonstrations, creating technical content and analytical tools for my technical marketing team.
Because of my experience building a lab, installing and configuring the hardware, cabling everything cleanly and demonstrating solutions, a new role was created for me within Brocade's Executive Briefing Center with a plan to leverage my unique skills to build a small lab and provide technical and hands-on demos to key prospects and partners.
I expanded on these skills at the Visa headquarters in San Francisco where I assisted in creating/managing a compelling multi-million dollar customer experience, that included biometrics, retinal scan ATMs, a virtual shopping wall, a state-of-the-art conference/presentation room and a 7-projector curved video wall. Next was Juniper Networks where I managed their customer experience and enhanced the networking demos targeted for the various interactive stations around the 2-story EBC. I was then given an opportunity to be the Technical Marketing Director for a small cabling company. I gained valuable experience working on creating all types of marketing content, leading out on campaigns and creating video collateral for the website. Then came a new role as a Solution Engineer working in Cybersecurity. I learned all about CASB, DLP and SWG and was in charge of running Proofs-of-concept, sharing demos and meeting a quota. Then I decided to take on a TME role at Appgate and have learned much about Cybersecurity, Zero Trust, SDP and Kubernetes. I have created videos, solution guides, competitive content and whitepapers.
Zscaler has afforded me an opportunity to create some compelling videos, blogs and presentations and to assist with the One True Zero Roadshow presentation, which has been presented to hundreds around the world. My hands-on experience, knowledge and understanding of Cybersecurity has increased substantially through this opportunity and I'm excited to continue to grow my skills and contributions through my technical marketing and product marketing expertise.
Everything I have ever done during the course of my unique career has been focused on the customer and their experience and I am able to create any type of beneficial customer asset or present to a group of technical advisors or executives and tell a relatable story that will compel and interest them in investing in the company I represent.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.